by Dr. Jack Hyles
"Dr. Hyles, is your school accredited?"
"I won't let my son go to a school that is not
These are words that we hear over and over again. They
are often spoken by people who know little or nothing about the meaning of
accreditation, and who have perhaps unknowingly fallen into a form of
idolatry which makes the diploma more important than the knowledge,
acceptance more important than preparation, a union card more important than
a job well done, conformity more important than freedom, the grade more
important than the education, the face more important than the heart, and an
opportunity more important than preparedness.
Our generation needs to take a fresh look at what
accreditation really is. It is basically all of us conforming to some
standards set by a few of us, chosen by some of us to approve all of us.
Though this is an over-simplification, it is far too often an accurate
description of what accreditation really is.
It has become a created god who has become omnipotent,
far too omnipresent and woefully lacking in omniscience; a god who has a den
full of lions for those who will not pray to it and a fiery furnace for
those who will not bow before its image. Little children may be thrown into
the burning fires in the lap of this Moloch, but that matters not. It must
be worshipped. It must be served, and it must be obeyed. Following are some
observations about this dangerous deity of destruction destined to destroy
discipline and to defeat dedication in the lives of Christian young people
and children.
1. Education should start with the goal and work
backwards. No wise person charts a course until he decides on a destination.
The wise educator will decide exactly what end he wants to accomplish in the
lives of the children. He then carefully charts a course that will lead him
to arrive at this desired end. No wise cook would decide to mix some cocoa,
sugar and other ingredients to see what would happen but rather would say,
"I think I'll make some fudge." The cook then finds a recipe for fudge.
Though the end never justifies the means, the end must determine the means.
The weakness of accreditation is that we are required to chart a course that
takes us to we know not where to become we know not what and to arrive we
know not when.
A Christian school by its very nature does not have
the same goal as a public school. If we do not share the same goal, how can
we share the same methods? If we do not share the same destination, how can
we share the same route? If we do not desire the same answer, why then do we
work the same problem?
This is not to say that we should not study the advice
of educators and even of those who are not working for the same goal. We
should examine their chains but not be bound by them. We should study their
ropes but not be tied with them, keeping in mind our destination. We should
study their map to find what roads they are traveling that we too may
travel, but these roads should not be traveled just because others are
traveling them. They should be traveled only as they help us to arrive at
our desired destination. We are reminded in the Scriptures that two cannot
walk together unless they be agreed.
This is not a suggestion to disregard wise people who
have gone before us. It is rather a warning against following a guide who
knows every step of the way on the road that leads us to where we do not
want to go.
2. Accreditation takes all to the same goal
unknowingly. No Christian school sets out knowingly on a path that will make
its scholars the same product as that of the public school. If this were
true, why build a school at all? What is the need for all the toil,
sacrifice, sweat and tears? Every Christian educator wants to turn out a
different product and sincerely believes he can. Too often the one who has
dared to be different then subscribes himself to conformity and unknowingly
travels a path that he has chosen that will lead him to a destination he has
not chosen. No wonder he is stunned, shocked, horrified and heartbroken when
he finds the product is not what he dreamed it would be. His motives were
good. His heart was right. His dedication was admirable, yet he finds that
he had wanted the result without the ingredients, wanted the destination
without the proper routing.
3. Conformity IS unaccredited accreditation. Though
there is no merit in premeditated nonconformity, there is grave danger in
total conformity. Let's go back to the first point and look at our goal.
The methods of the masses should be used only when
they will aid us in reaching our desired destination. We at the First
Baptist Church of Hammond have a nationwide Pastors' School. We have no
desire for anyone to conform to all of our methods and procedures. In fact,
we have a desire that no one will conform to all of them. I often say that
our Pastors' School is like a cafeteria. Come through the line, take what
you think you need for your own personal health and leave, but do not
criticize the rest. No church should conform completely to another, no
school should conform completely to another, neither should one institution
desire comformity by another, neither should a group of institutions join
together and demand or desire conformity. I see on the horizon in America
the danger that some who have pulled out of one golden calf are building the
mold for another and who once were martyred by one fiery furnace are now
gathering fuel for another. There is a danger that those of us who have been
delivered from the lions' den are raising cubs ourselves, and those of us
who have been delivered from Egypt are building our own little Egypt on our
way to the Promised Land. Oftentimes it is not bondage we are against, it is
being in bondage that we are against. Oh, people of God, let us not return
to the vomit from which we have been delivered. Let not those of us who have
been delivered cause others to seek deliverance from us. Let those of us who
once chafed in the fetters of Pharaoh beware lest we bind others as does a
Pharaoh. Let us cooperate but not expect conformity. Let us influence and be
influenced but let us allow each other to determine the sphere of acceptance
and cooperation without being placed upon some kind of blacklist and being
made to feel as an outcast. Let not us outcasts cast out others. Let not us
independents disdain those who are independent of us. Let cooperation take
the place of coercion. Let unity be substituted for union. Let liberty be
substituted for bondage. Let us offer our help to all and let us seek help
from all, but let us beware of treating others like we once refused to be
The wise man told us that there is safety in a
multitude of counselors. He did not say there is safety or security in a
multitude of conquerors. To be sure, we should work together. To be sure, we
should love each other and pray for one another. To be sure, we should offer
suggestions and help, but at the same time we should never cause one to
forfeit our fellowship or friendship because he feels that in some areas our
methods are not best for him. There is a certain
denominational-non-denominationalism, dependent independence,
conforming-non-conformity and a bound-freedom which will lead the next
generation into a needless revolution fought against those of us who in our
generation revolted against Pharaohs under whom we could not serve and whose
shoes we would not fill!
4. Good men often build systems in one generation that
bad men will use in the next generation with which to destroy us. We often
fail to realize that it is the system that was wrong, not just the men. A
system that encourages the wrong men to rise to places of leadership is a
dangerous one. Often good men join a good group and build a system to which
they give allegiance. Then as this system changes it changes the men, for
they have sworn their allegiance to it. It is always wise for a Christian
not to give his allegiance to institutions, but rather to principles.
Principles never change; institutions do. We should give our loyalty to
institutions who are presently embracing our principles and we should be
ready to jump from the boat any time it gets in a stormy area outside the
scope of our principles.
I wonder how many pastors have accepted new churches
only to find their hands bound by committees composed of worldly and
unspiritual people. The pastor fights for liberation. He wins the battle and
yet all too soon for his own convenience organizes the same committees with
different people with whom he can work. He then leaves the same structure
and system which he inherited requiring the next pastor to go through the
same torture and heartache and to fight the same battle that he fought. I am
thinking now of a preacher who chafed for years under the tyranny of a
denomination which frowned upon his having guest speakers in his church from
outside that denomination. He then joined a good, fundamentalist group so he
could follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit in choosing men to fill his
pulpit. Now no one can fill his pulpit unless he is a member of this good,
fundamentalist group, and he frowns upon other pastors who have speakers
outside this group.
The wise pastor and the wise educator will not only
seek an organizational framework which can presently fill his needs, but
will also seek safeguards to avoid building a system that will attract weak
and sometimes bad men to positions of leadership.
Suppose some good men get together and form an
accrediting agency. Suppose that all of the requirements of accreditation
are good ones. Suppose then that all of the good schools seek accreditation
and give their allegiance to this hypothetical good agency. When
deterioration sets in (and it will), it will be major surgery and cause
undue pain for a school to disassociate itself with this agency. Again may I
say, this is not advocating super-independence but rather super-dependence
upon each other for help, for prayer, for advice, but not for coercion.
5. Each generation needs to see the birth of new
institutions just as each generation needs new babies. Imagine a society
without children. Imagine a society without adults. Imagine a society
without babies. Imagine a society without adolescents. A healthy
cross-section of society must include all. A healthy educational
neighborhood must also include all. Each generation needs trail-blazers who
are willing to be as different from existing institutions as the existing
institution is different from what it was when it started. Just as it is not
natural for babies to act like grown-ups, it is not natural for young
institutions to act like mature institutions. No one expects a baby to
conform to adulthood. It would not be healthy. To be a mature, complete
adult one must enjoy his infancy, his childhood and his adolescence. For old
institutions that have enjoyed such stages to require younger institutions
to jump over these stages is unfair. If a child were born in middle age, his
life span would be cut short. If an institution is born in middle age, its
life span can be cut short.
In many cases the best days that a school enjoys are
its early days. This is not to say that its later years cannot be successful
ones, but even they will be more successful if they are built on a healthy
childhood. For a group of older schools to join together and set norms and
standards for younger schools is unfair for this generation and unwise for
the next generation. Often the greatest preachers were trained in colleges
that were just beginning. History has proved that in many schools the best
days were the first days. This is not suggesting that institutions be
childish but childlike.
The new institution might be wise not to conform to
what the older institutions ARE but to what they USED TO BE. Since a good
beginning is so important a new school might be wise to conform to the
policies, principles and practices of a successful school's infancy, not its
adulthood. This is not to say that its adulthood is bad. It is to say that
its adulthood was built on its childhood and the very fact that its
childhood is copied is a compliment to the adulthood of the school. No doubt
there are many educators who will read these pages who would have agreed
with them twenty years ago but will not agree now.
When a baby is born in a home parents are pleased for
the baby to act like a baby. Why then shouldn't mature institutions be
pleased for new ones to act like new ones, and for that matter, behave as
the older one did at the same stage of development? just as we have in our
society younger people coming on the scene, middle-aged people on center
stage and older people passing off the scene, so we need the same thinking
in our educational community. It is so easy for us not to want anyone else
to be what we were. We sit behind our desks in our classrooms and say to our
children, "Be yourselves. Don't copy another. God wants to use you like you
are." Then we go to board meetings and tell other institutions. "Don't be
yourselves. Be like we are. Have our stamp. Bear our mark. Conform to our
methods or you cannot be in our favor." Just as each individual has his own
niche in life and his own purpose for living, so does each institution have
its own niche in life and its own purpose for living. America does not need
a Hyles-Anderson College in each state. It does need Christian colleges in
each state who will follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit, believe the
Bible, take a strong, separatist stand, magnify soul winning and yet be
given liberty to be what each needs to be and to fulfill that unique purpose
for which God brought it into existence.
6. We must look back at history's products. There is
no way that one can presently test the effectiveness of a school. Someone
has said that it takes a generation for a school to test its product.
Because of this, many schools live today on yesterday's reputation. It takes
several years for its graduates to prove success or failure. Because of this
we must find graduates who are what we want our students to become. We may
then examine what the alma mater of these people was at the time they
attended. If one is going to conform, he would be wise to conform to what
the school was when these successful people were enrolled.
Once again we must go back to the first point. What is
our goal? What kind of students do we want to produce? We may then seek
people who have reached that goal, and then study the standards, practices,
etc. of the institutions they attended at the time that they attended. This
should be the object of our conformity.
A fellow can test General Motors by driving a
Chevrolet. It takes only a few hours. A fellow can test a restaurant and its
cooks by eating a meal. It takes only a few minutes. It is not so easy to
test a school. Conformity to the present policies and methods of a school
that has turned out great people may be unwise. Conformity to what it was
when it turned out those people may be wise.
7. Superiority should not seek accreditation from
inferiority. The Christian school movement in America is so superior to the
public school system that it is absurd to think of our seeking their
approval upon our superior kind of work. I was interviewed by a reporter who
was chagrined by my philosophy. In frustration the reporter shouted, "Why,
oh, why won't you be accredited?"
I replied, "For the same reason that Mickey Mantle
didn't seek accreditation from the little leagues." The wise educator will
see to it that his produce is so much better than the product of the
accreditors. He should see to it that in every area his work surpasses that
of the public schools. (In these days this is not a difficult task to
achieve.) He should carefully and conclusively prove that his produce is
superior to the other product and that the student will sacrifice no good
thing by attending the Christian school.
One parent said to me recently, "If my child attended
your school, he would have to give up a lot." That parent was right. His
child would give up the presence of smoking, miniskirts, disobedience,
disrespect for authority, availability of narcotics, vulgar words and vulgar
stories in textbooks, the public school sex education program, hippie-haired
boys, teachers who use curse words in class, permission to wear blue jeans
to school, the permissive society, those who talk back to teachers,
disrespect for law and order, and by the way, an inferior quality of
8. If we just back up on the same road that has led
others to ruin, we will soon arrive at the same destination. Our schools
should not count the same cadence as the government schools. We are not
going in the same direction. We are not to keep step with them. We are on
different wavelengths, we bear different yokes, we broadcast on different
frequencies, we travel different paths. One of the pitfalls in which we fall
is simply to back up on the same road with the government schools which only
postpones our decay.
9. Union is a form of idolatry. Note carefully, I said
union," not "unity." If a preacher knows and believes that God will care for
his needs, open his doors and supply his pulpits, he need not join the local
preachers' union for security. He may cooperate and fellowship with all of
God's men, but he need not do it for fear of having no place to preach or
nothing to eat. However, as he loses his faith, he loses his confidence that
God will provide for him. As the years pass, his children grow older and the
need for security increases. His faith does not increase. Hence, he finds
himself wanting to join up with other preachers so that in case he finds
himself without a pulpit he will have the security of a union. He then joins
up with other preachers and provides for himself a security that once was
provided by God. Hence, this union has taken the place of his God and has
become a form of idolatry.
This is exactly what communism is. Communism is people
building a society that will take care of the people. If they have faith in
God, He will take care of them. If that faith is lost, they must build a
canopy, a protection that will offer them the security that God wants to
offer. This is why Christianity and communism cannot coexist. Christianity
follows the Holy Spirit of God Who leads us to care for one another
voluntarily. Communism forces that care by taxation and regimentation. It
offers its people all of the security that an organization of men can offer.
Christ offers to us all the security that an omnipotent, omniscient and
omnipresent God can offer.
America, was built by men with faith in God. We
believed that God would supply our needs, and He did. This eliminated our
need of social security, worker's compensation, etc. We had Heaven's
security and divine compensation. To whatever degree one loses his faith in
God, he needs to organize with other men.
10. Each generation needs those who do not readily
conform. It needs those who are strong enough to use what has been proven
successful to past generations but refuse to conform with its deterioration.
It needs those who refuse coerced conformity and offer wisdom and strength
enough to challenge others to a cooperative unity and limited conformity on
the volunteer basis, where one's status is not determined by his degree of
cooperation and conformity. This is not condoning unkind, unchristian,
unethical behavior on the part of rabble-rousers. It is condoning serious
doubt and a sincere reluctant willingness to withdraw from decadence if
necessary. From this group have come the Martin Luthers, John Wesleys,
George Whitefields, Charles Spurgeons, Bob Joneses, John Rices, etc. These
were not men desirous of splitting anything, but men who realized that they
should try dedication as long as possible and if dedication became a
terminal case, surgery became a possibility.
The truth is that most of our great Christian
movements started because of a split. Most of the people reading these pages
belong to a church or a denomination that once pulled out of something.
Though we should not be desirous of repeating this procedure, God should
give us and does give us in every generation leaders who are willing to do
so if it is now necessary.
As has been stated before, the danger is that these
leaders will want to form the same type of organizational structure and
coercion that caused their unrest.
11. We are not to walk in the counsel of the ungodly.
This is one of the signs of a prosperous man. We preach this and yet build
our Christian schools to conform to regulations set forth by unconverted
educators. Though there are many things that we could copy from them, we
should not yoke ourselves up so as to be forced to do so. The wise Christian
educator will first set his goal. He will then acquaint himself with every
suggested means of attaining that goal. He will decide what means he should
use and what roads he should travel in order to arrive at that desired
destination. He should cooperate, fellowship and enjoy Christian unity with
those of like faith. He should neither offer conformity to nor expect
conformity from his contemporaries. He should share ideas with them and
learn ideas from them. He should attend clinics, seminars and conventions
that will offer him a wide choice of suggested ways to attain the goal that
he has set. He should be allowed to accept or reject them without being
ostracized or losing stature. just as he would yearn to use what he learns
that he feels will aid him in the reaching of his goal, so should he teach
others and allow them the same privileges and freedoms that he has sought.
It is dangerous when all of us expect any of us to
conform with the rest of us. It is dangerous when all of us chose a few of
us to govern the rest of us. It is dangerous when any of us criticize any of
us for not conforming to the rest of us. It is healthy and wise when all of
us listen to all of us, pray for all of us, share with all of us, cooperate
with all of us, enjoy unity with all of us, realizing that none of us will
ever completely conform to the rest of us but that all of us can glean from
all of us things that can help each of us become more and more that unique
individual, that unique school, that unique church that God wants us to
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